وظائف السعودية

وظائف شركة بكتل للبترول لجميع التخصصات للعمل فى المملكة العربية السعودية راتب وبدلات وحوافز مغرية

أعلنت شركة بكتل للبترول عبر موقعها الرسمى عن فتح باب التعيين للعديد من الوظائف فى كافة المجالات وذلك للعمل فى فروعها على مستوى العالم سوف نستعرض لكم الوظائف المطلوبة فى المملكة العربية السعودية

الوظائف المطلوبة فى شركة بكتل للبترول

  • Strategic Business Planning Specialist (International Assignment)
  • Sustainability Manager – International Assignment
  • Senior Urban Designer ( International Assignment)
  • Civil Works JV System Safety Engineer (International Assignment)
  • Senior WAD PTW Coordinator (International Assignment)
  • Capital Administration Specialist (International Assignment)
  • Economic Planning Specialist (International Assignment)
  • Downstream Specialist (International Assignment)
  • Marketing and Investment Specialist (International Assignment)
  • Petrochemical Specialist (International Assignment)
  • Renewable Energy Specialist (International Assignment)
  • Logistics Specialist (International Assignment)
  • Control Systems Commissioning Engineer (International Assignment)
  • Receptionist & Office Service Representative – Saudi National
  • Project Analyst (Saudi National)
  • Testing & Commissioning Handover Manager – International Assignment
  • Planning Engineer (International Assignment)


الاوراق المطلوبه للعمل في شركة بكتل للبترول

  • صوره شهاده الميلاد
  • صوره المؤهل الدراسي
  • صوره شهاده الخبره ان وجد
  • صوره من جواز السفر
  • صور شخصيه حديثه
  • صوره من شهاده الصحه من وزاره االصحه
  • صوره من البطاقه الرقم القومي
  • صوره رقم التامين التابع لمنطقه السكن
  • صوره الكعب العمل التابع له
  • سي باللغه العربيه او الانجليزيه
  • صوره من شهاده الجيش للذكور
  • طريقه التقديم للوظائف المطلوبه للعمل
وظائف شركة بكتل للبترول لجميع التخصصات للعمل فى المملكة العربية السعودية راتب وبدلات وحوافز مغرية
وظائف شركة بكتل للبترول لجميع التخصصات للعمل فى المملكة العربية السعودية راتب وبدلات وحوافز مغرية

من واجبات العُمل في شركة بكتل للبترول

1 – إنجاز العامل للعمل بالاعتماد على الأصول والتعليمات المهنيّة والوظيفيّة، إذا لم تحتوي على أيّ مخالفات لعقد العمل، ولم يرتبط تنفيذها مع ما يؤدّي إلى تعرُّض الموظّف أو العامل للخطر.

2 – أنّ يهتمَّ العامل بالأدوات والآلات التي تعدُّ ملكيّة للعمل، وتصبح تحت تصرفه أو ضمن عهدته؛ حيثُ يجب عليه أن يحرص على إعادة المواد غير المستخدمة إلى صاحب العمل.

3 – يجب أن يحرص العامل على الالتزام بالقواعد الأخلاقيّة والسلوكيّة أثناء تنفيذ العمل.

4 – تقديم العامل المساعدة ضمن بيئة العمل، دون اشتراط الحصول على أجرٍ إضافيّ، وتشمل على مساعدته لزملائه عند حدوث الأخطار، والكوارث التي تؤثّر على سلامتهم وسلامة مكان العمل.

5 – أن يحرص العامل على الخضوع لكافة الفحوصات الطبيّة، قبل الانضمام للعمل أو أثناء عمله؛ من أجل التأكُّد من أنّه لا يحمل أيّ أمراض ساريّة أو معديّة.

6 – يجب على العامل أنّ يُحافظ على الأسرار المهنيّة الخاصة بالمنشأة أو العمل؛ وخصوصاً المرتبطة بطبيعة المواد التي ينتجها العامل بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر.

التقديم فى وظائف شركة بكتل للبترول للعمل فى المملكة العربية السعودية عن طريق الموقع الرسمى أضغط هنا


شاهد اهم الوظائف


وظائف بنك HSBC لجميع التخصصات للعمل فى دولة الامارات راتب مميز جدا

وظائف مجموعة الفطيم 2019 لجميع المؤهلات للعمل فى الامارات العربية المتحدة راتب وحوافز مغرية


مقالات ذات صلة

رأيان على “وظائف شركة بكتل للبترول لجميع التخصصات للعمل فى المملكة العربية السعودية راتب وبدلات وحوافز مغرية”

  1. Dec 31 at 5:53 PM

    looking a jobs Dear Sir,

    I am very interested in applying for the supervision of all mechanical works and pipes with all details of installation, testing of each pipeline and delivering it to the client and operation and maintenance as well. Please take a moment to review the attached application documents.
    – Experience certificate

    It would be a great pleasure to hear from you soon to discuss this exciting thing
    Job opportunity

    I have experience in Rolling Mill and DRP Steel in Daniele Group

    It makes me proud to join you in the workforce

    Dear Mr

    I am responsible for the project installation schedule
    Also responsible for pipe inspection, supervision and guidance
    Supervise and follow up the full implementation
    Follow the schedule and budget, according to project procedures

    Responsible for site work performed in accordance with contractual standards of international quality
    Verify that subcontractors are using the correct technical documentation such as (P&I D) – (PAD) – (ICO METRICS)
    Attend weekly meetings with sub-contractors and prepare a weekly report
    Do report directly to the supervision commander or construction manager
    Provide a weekly progress report supervising the leader or construction manager
    They have good decision-making skills
    Fluent English

    In the attached you can find my resume
    I was working in the largest oil complex in Qatar, KBR, Group & Danieli Group & CCC (OIL & GAS) Group & Contrack Group & Lakeshore Group & (J&P) (J&P) Joannou paraskevaides Group & CIMI montubi Group & IEMSA impianti Group & IEMSA
    As well as US KBR, Daniele and CCC Oil & Gas
    I have a great experience and would like to join you as a team and ready to travel wherever the company is
    I have major training courses from international companies and have extensive experience in various fields
    I learned from this that there is no impossible and no action that requires you to do
    I am fully prepared for business, travel and business development
    Let me wait for your reply
    Warm greetings
    Safwat Aziz I am ready to work anywhere and any country
    Only known
    Worked in several countries
    1. Algeria
    2. Libya
    3. America
    4. Djibouti
    5. Myanmar
    6. Turkey
    8. Thailand
    9. Afghanistan
    All this is a contract and has decades of work with international companies that I have considered

    experience in business development

    Dear Mr
    Greetings to your person
    I’m waiting for your phone call to talk to you about my job with you
    Talk to me at any time if you want to be a phone or email
    As I explained before you are fully prepared to work and travel wherever you are and fully prepared
    From now on
    It is a pleasure and privilege to be under your management and we will be impressed by many years of experience and expertise in the field of industrial and commercial development.
    I am waiting for your call

  2. Dec 31 at 5:53 PM

    Dear Sir,

    I am very interested in applying for the supervision of all mechanical works and pipes with all details of installation, testing of each pipeline and delivering it to the client and operation and maintenance as well. Please take a moment to review the attached application documents.
    – Experience certificate

    It would be a great pleasure to hear from you soon to discuss this exciting thing
    Job opportunity

    I have experience in Rolling Mill and DRP Steel in Daniele Group

    It makes me proud to join you in the workforce

    Dear Mr

    I am responsible for the project installation schedule
    Also responsible for pipe inspection, supervision and guidance
    Supervise and follow up the full implementation
    Follow the schedule and budget, according to project procedures

    Responsible for site work performed in accordance with contractual standards of international quality
    Verify that subcontractors are using the correct technical documentation such as (P&I D) – (PAD) – (ICO METRICS)
    Attend weekly meetings with sub-contractors and prepare a weekly report
    Do report directly to the supervision commander or construction manager
    Provide a weekly progress report supervising the leader or construction manager
    They have good decision-making skills
    Fluent English

    In the attached you can find my resume
    I was working in the largest oil complex in Qatar, KBR, Group & Danieli Group & CCC (OIL & GAS) Group & Contrack Group & Lakeshore Group & (J&P) (J&P) Joannou paraskevaides Group & CIMI montubi Group & IEMSA impianti Group & IEMSA
    As well as US KBR, Daniele and CCC Oil & Gas
    I have a great experience and would like to join you as a team and ready to travel wherever the company is
    I have major training courses from international companies and have extensive experience in various fields
    I learned from this that there is no impossible and no action that requires you to do
    I am fully prepared for business, travel and business development
    Let me wait for your reply
    Warm greetings
    Safwat Aziz I am ready to work anywhere and any country
    Only known
    Worked in several countries
    1. Algeria
    2. Libya
    3. America
    4. Djibouti
    5. Myanmar
    6. Turkey
    8. Thailand
    9. Afghanistan
    All this is a contract and has decades of work with international companies that I have considered

    experience in business development

    Dear Mr
    Greetings to your person
    I’m waiting for your phone call to talk to you about my job with you
    Talk to me at any time if you want to be a phone or email
    As I explained before you are fully prepared to work and travel wherever you are and fully prepared
    From now on
    It is a pleasure and privilege to be under your management and we will be impressed by many years of experience and expertise in the field of industrial and commercial development.
    I am waiting for your call

اترك تعليقاً

لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *

هذا الموقع يستخدم خدمة أكيسميت للتقليل من البريد المزعجة. اعرف المزيد عن كيفية التعامل مع بيانات التعليقات الخاصة بك processed.
